Batgirl Futures End #1

Batgirl Futures End

“Hello, boobs” is all I need to really say upon taking a look to the cover to this Batgirl one-shot. A fairly generic pose down featuring what we can safely assume are four versions of Batgirl in some sort of team. While the ladies themselves look par for the course, our main Bat is standing front and center wearing a luchador mask, no armor (oh wait, she has roller derby knee pads on), and some sort of fetish choker that is being used not only as what I can only assume is a leash, but to hold up her boobs so they don’t pop out and take someones eye out during a fight. Look, I’m a big fan a Batgirl and don’t mind a little T & A now and again, but if a book already has me hating what’s become of the legacy of one of my favorite characters we have a problem.

But who knows, this book still may turn around and surprise me, so lets dive into the review for Batgirl Futures End #1

Batgirl Futures End
She must see a ladybug up there or something

What is even going on here… Look, I get that this is a tie in book and because of that one has to write within the given event, and Gail Simone has done incredible work with Batgirl (one of my favorite books of the New 52), but the explanation given for Batgirl and what happens to her on her wedding day just feels so forced and heavy handed. It’s almost as if it was an afterthought, only there to get the story moving along quickly enough. I don’t discount the wedding angle as a whole, I just think that the characters motivations don’t jive with how any people in Gotham would react. And I would even get into having ZERO heroes there to watch her take the plunge.

So,the books jumps forward five years and in this future world we see a team of women who are known as the League of Batgirls handing out justice on their own terms. It’s cool, damn cool, but their introduction into the story is marred by some really shoddy artwork. It’s just plain strange. Looking at it again I have come to the conclusion that the main problem comes down to faces, eyes, and emotions.

Batgirl Futures End
I think the guy in the back is blind

You see, the disparity between the characters on a single panel can be all over the place. One member of the team can be giving an intimidating speech while having the goofiest look on her face, while another Batgirl looks scared out of her suit, and another like she’s angry about just being there. Auxiliary characters don’t fare much better either in this regard. Their bodies may be front and center in attack, but their eyes are clearly looking someplace off panel. Like I said, it’s just strange.

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But then there is the writing. No matter how silly the story might be, no matter the odd art choices for such a serious tale, the writing from Gail Simone manages to elevate the book out of the dregs of mediocrity. Yes, the story moves at a blistering pace (this is a one-shot after all); Yes, cramming in a team of Batgirls doesn’t offer much more than a little fan service (always great seeing Stephanie); And yes, Barbara’s motivations for what she does seems forced. Even through all that though, the book is a well written stroll through a possible future timeline.

Batgirl Futures End
Hey, DC? Can we get a few more pages for this one-shot?

You may not agree with what happens or how it comes about, but the story is very tightly connected and never loses a beat. Strangely enough, while the art can be a bit cartoon like for my taste in a story of this nature, it does get better as the book progresses. It’s nice seeing so many Batgirls in action, but I would have preferred to have this be a book about Barbara’s time with Batman’s arch villains. I know this is a tie-in, but I just think there is a really great possible mini series that this book touches upon.

It not a great book, but the interpersonal relationship we get between Barbara and Bane (the books main antagonist) that culminates in a final battle for Gotham really shines. If you are a fan of Simone’s work and of the Batgirl character, you are going to enjoy this book. Even better is that it doesn’t have any major implications or require any backstory from Futures End, so you can enjoy it just as it is.

Batgirl Futures End
I want this story! This single page hides a more interesting story than most event comics of the past few years.

So yes, in conclusion Batgirl Futures End #1 really did turn it around and manage to surprise me. Never have I been more happy to be wrong and am very glad I picked this one up.

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