Reggie Fils-Aime Joins GameStop’s Board of Directors
I guess his body was ready for another tour of duty. GameStop Announced Monday that former Nintendo America president Reggie Fils-Aimewould be stepping onto one of their board of directors….
I guess his body was ready for another tour of duty. GameStop Announced Monday that former Nintendo America president Reggie Fils-Aimewould be stepping onto one of their board of directors….
Wave of the future! Well, good news if you already own a Chromecast Ultra: You can get 3 months of Stadia Pro for free thanks to Google’s newest promotion. Here’s….
No, it wasn’t me, shut up. Streaming and stupidity seem to go hand in hand nowadays. The plus side is that, if you stream a crime, it’s really easy to….
Unlikely she’ll see any prison time at all, in actuality. Shayene “shAy” Victorio is known in Brazil for being the one of country’s top Counter-Strike: Global Offensive players. However, in….
What happened to the whole “statistically unlikely” thing, huh? Amid growing concerns regarding the spread of coronavirus, SXSW has cancelled their conference in cooperation with the order to do so….
Fuck it, she’s her own grandpa at this point. Well, we already got “Palpatine’s a clone” out of the novelization for Star Wars: Episode IX. We may as well go….
You know, for the Fortnite. If you’ve ever played anything demanding on a smartphone, you’re probably familiar with the limitations of a touchscreen. Specifically, how terrible onscreen buttons are for….
Many might consider this… DLC. Well, the novelization for Star WArs: The Rise of Skywalker is out later this month (March 17). But that hasn’t stopped some excerpts from leaking….
They’re literally saying his money is no good to them by doing this. Wow. Late last year, EA banned FIFA player Kurt “Kurt0411” Fenech from playing in FIFA 20 tournaments…..
Choosy moms choose Animated PNG. Look, we’ve all had the conversation. Is it GIF with a hard “G”, or soft? Heretofore, none have managed a definitive answer. But that’s what….
Ded. Lucasfilm’s super secret Project Luminous is finally come to fruition. Because it’s Star Wars: The High Republic. Let’s take a gander, shall we? “We’re finding ourselves in a very….
Gotta keep swinging. It’s not exactly a secret that GameStop hasn’t been doing too well of late. And that’s why they’ve been changing aspects of their business model. It’s evolve….