Oculus Rift and Touch: $399 Limited Time Sale
Still too much for my poverty peasant blood ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ That’s right, Oculus Rift and Touch is only $400… for a limited time. Hot on the heels of a $200 price….
Still too much for my poverty peasant blood ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ That’s right, Oculus Rift and Touch is only $400… for a limited time. Hot on the heels of a $200 price….
Squirrel Girl: The Comedy Series Marvel’s New Warriors is going to be a comedy series on Freeform (formerly ABC Family, yes I had to look it up). And they’ve already….
It’s had a long, bumpy road to getting made, but Castlevania finally came to be. Sure, it started off as a movie. But a Netflix series is good, if not….
Now in second place because he was “having all the sex”. I’ve probably made it plain how I feel about achievements. Namely, I don’t really care for them. But some….
You can stream them to a Windows PC, too Sony’s Playstation Now game streaming service is stepping up their game. They’ve now added PS4 games to the mix. I mean,….
The wait is over That’s right, believe your eyes. After the longest series of teases, Doofist is now playable in Overwatch… on the PTR. Naturally, they couldn’t just dump him….
Giant robots for dealing with civil unrest. Plenty of games in the late 80’s and 90’s never left the land of the rising sun, much less the Asiatic continent. For….
Rabbids are nowhere to be seen. Once upon a time, Rayman was going to be an SNES game. Alas, it never came to be. Michel Ancel and a colleague were….
Gul durned kids, get off m’ lawn! You might remember Pokémon Go as that must play app for 2 months in the Summer of last year. It spawned a number….
The most obvious line of bullshit this year. Chances are good that at this point, you’ve heard that there aren’t any X-Men characters in Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite. You probably….
Keeping the trend of releasing heroes that will be nerfed almost immediately. Blizzard’s been dropping a string of irresistible heroes for Heroes of the Storm of late. Well, irresistible to….
Iwan Rheon is slowly getting more typecast Marvel’s Inhumans has been through a patchy development cycle. It’s gone through a back and forth on whether or not it will happen,….