No More “Bad Behavior” in Overwatch
Blizzard’s upping their penalty game. Everyone’s had that experience with some overbearing player that goes ballistic when you don’t take commands like their little soldier. Then, when you lose, they….
Blizzard’s upping their penalty game. Everyone’s had that experience with some overbearing player that goes ballistic when you don’t take commands like their little soldier. Then, when you lose, they….
They’re keeping her iconic turkey legs, though. Chances are, if you’ve been following Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite, you’ve noticed that the models look a bit… off. Specifically, Chun-Li‘s; her face….
Press F to Pay Respects It has already been an auspicious week for the announced death of personal computing staples. First, Microsoft announced that they’re killing off MS Paint to….
Amazing what a bit of color can do, eh? Look, I genuinely don’t like crapping on the DC movies. Mostly because I actually want them to be good. I’m not….
Now THIS is podracing. Recently a number of scientific journals were subject to a sting. One of Galactic proportions, as a matter of fact. One brave hero of the rebellion….
Hint: it’s not a ball pit. Niantic’s Pokémon Go Fest happened this weekend in Chicago. Saying that it didn’t go well would be an understatement. For one thing, connectivity and….
Not making this up, I swear. So, who likes it when video games try to sell you a car? Microsoft tried it. And now, in China, Final Fantasy XIII’s Lightning….
No, it is not a porno. Get your mind out of the gutter. In a complete blindside, Apple has revealed a movie they made featuring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. About….
Stop laughing, guys, they worked real hard on that! Atari has skipped over that Lynx Classic you wanted. Say hello to the Speakerhat. The Speakerhat, made in partnership with Audiowear,….
Dust off your POGs and get ready for some Crossfire. Little was shown of Captain Marvel at SDCC this year. But they did give us a few little tidbits. Chiefly,….
Engage hype machine. Were you able to shell out hundreds of dollars to go to D23/SDCC? No? Well, then you didn’t get to see the Avengers: Infinity War trailer, then…..
Oh, that’s a really good idea, Warner Bros. Hey remember those rumors about Ben Affleck being phased out as Batman? Well, get ready to dump some gasoline on that fire…..