McDonalds Sent Half-Gallon of Szechuan Sauce to Justin Roiland
Well, now Arby’s needs to up their game. That’s right; Justin Roiland is the first in possession of the very first bottle of Mulan Szechuan dipping sauce made in almost….
Well, now Arby’s needs to up their game. That’s right; Justin Roiland is the first in possession of the very first bottle of Mulan Szechuan dipping sauce made in almost….
Hopefully this time they don’t run out of ink. Look, I like plenty of Gainax’s stuff. But Evangelion is not really one of them. It always struck me as a….
It’s like an Indiana Jones movie, except the artifact is a steaming pile of shit with no discernible value to anyone. So basically, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Among the….
Bob’s Burgers? Simpsons? South Park? You want them, they’re yours my friend… as long as you have enough bandwidth! YouTube is something of a Johnny-come-lately to the whole streaming thing…..
“A glitch in time screwed mine” It’s hard not to be excited about the SNES Classic. Aside from the fact that it’s definitely pleasing to see something from Nintendo’s golden….
Courtesy of Crunchyroll. Do you love Sushi? And Japan, period? Tea Ceremonies? J-Rock? GIRUGAMESH!? Well, check out Twitch Presents right now! They’re currently running some Mob Psycho 100. They’ll probably….
They all float down here… The one problem with the previous IT trailer? Pennywise didn’t talk. That’s been remedied. The new version of IT is definitely playing closer to Stephen….
Probably still won’t stop newbies from trying to play it like a hack-and-slash. I was pretty happy to sucker both George and Miles into Monster Hunter: World’s E3 presentation. Especially….
Soap MacTavish rides again to terrorize MovieBob’s nightmares. Look, I don’t play Call of Duty. I remember going to the E3 presentation for Infinite Warfare demo (they had really comfortable….
Still a better fate than the Zune. They circle of life continues to turn in the tech world. Today, Apple discontinued both the iPod Nano and iPod Shuffle. Both models….
It’s Mighty disappointing. If you play games, chances are you couldn’t avoid knowledge of the neverending clusterfuck that is Mighty No. 9. And if you were one of the Kickstarter backers,….
But you probably won’t listen to me anyway, will you? Well, I feel like I’ve put this off due to a veritable cluster of news articles. But I hate to….