Gearbox Announces Not-Borderlands 3 a.k.a. Project 1v1
3 is a magic number, in that many developers can’t count to it. Don’t worry, Borderlands 3 is happening… I think. But currently, they’re working on a game currently known….
3 is a magic number, in that many developers can’t count to it. Don’t worry, Borderlands 3 is happening… I think. But currently, they’re working on a game currently known….
Where we’re going, we don’t need horses. You know what would improve The Witcher 3? The ability to bust out a 900 and break local skating laws like the radical….
I hope we don’t see Lucky, I tell you hwat. Fox isn’t just stopping at The X-Files, Prison Break and 24. The network is in talks with Mike Judge and….
Yeah, well, I’m gonna go build my own streaming service, with blackjack, and hookers. In fact, forget the service. Have you ever caught yourself thinking, “I sure do wish fewer….
It’s all explodey. Graceful Explosion Machine is an action game by Vertex Pop. And, despite appearances, is every bit as hectic as any other sidescrolling shmup. The story is, well,….
You know, if it’s not just an overly elaborate joke to begin with. Recently, a trailer for crime documentary spoof American Vandal popped up on Netflix. The Funny or Die….
Literally maxes out the capabilities of the current version of the engine. The mark of a great game is how long after the fact people will continue playing it. It’s….
a.k.a I Have No Customers And I Must Vend. Not a single Colecovision unit was on hand. Tops, there were 75 attendees, not counting vendors. If you’re having flashbacks to….
Other Nominees! Fight for our amusement! This is Us, the hit NBC drama, just had one of its 11 Emmy nominations revoked. Specifically its nomination for “Outstanding Contemporary Costumes”. Due….
I actually kind of miss Royal Pains. Not really related other than network, though. Well, the time is upon us. The trailer for season 3 of Mr. Robot is here…..
If you focus really hard, you can probably see the looping. Guardians on the Galaxy Vol. 2 is headed to home video soon, and EW managed to get hands on….
It’s alive! Do you miss the joy of flicking your phone open to make a call, or shut to hang up in a huff? Well, Samsung’s got you covered with….