Author: Alan D.D.

Hailing and writing out of Venezuela, Alan is our international correspondent that covers comic books for GAMbIT as well as general book reviews on his personal blog. He's currently working in some novels and poems, which means he fights daily a writer's block.

Britannia #4

And so it’s here! The final issue and chapter in this story with ancient history lessons, mythological creatures, magic to be afraid of and a brutally cruel war. Britannia #4….

Ninjak #22

I’m going to be completely honest here: Ninjak #22 is one heck of a good time! I spent less than a minute with Ninjak #22 (I blasted through it with….

Faith #6

I wish somebody could tell me what happened with Faith #6 and why Valiant decided to let it have this sort of weak and “safe” end. It was all pointing in….