Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains trailer shows combat and more

Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains

Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains is being developed by Spike Chunsoft is almost upon us. We can only hope this 3DS title is as crazy as the television show it’s based on. Website Gematsu ris reporting that the Atlas published title will hot Europe and North America this May, via the 3DS eShop.The latest trailer (check it out below) shows off some of the games features including online-multiplayer, challenge missions, character customization, and combat.

Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains looks neat and as it is compatible with the new C-Stick on the New Nintendo 3DS (circa 2015 in case you are reading this article in the future and Nintendo has released yet another New, New 3DS) those without one will really need to at the very least pick up a circle-pad pro. I for one love the original 3DS for its, you know, ability to fit in the pocket and such, so the circle-pad pro is for me.

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