Assassin’s Creed Players Get Their Game Interrupted By Full Screen Ads For Assassin’s Creed Mirage

Assassin's Creed

Don’t worry, Desmond, that’s just Animus letting you know you can save 20% on your most recently discovered genetic memory.

As reported by Rock Paper Shotgun, people playing the more recent Assassin’s Creed games (Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla) saw their game time get interrupted by a massive full screen popup ad for the latest entry, Assassin’s Creed Mirage, while navigating through in-game menus. The ad, coincidentally, was for a Black Friday deal for the game.

The ad offered a 20% discount on the game, giving players the option to dismiss the ad or “buy now”. According to most reports, the ad seemed most prone to popping up when players tried to access the map screen.

Naturally, this didn’t make people happy, and Ubisoft responded to the issue on Xwitter.

Ahh, community notes, here to dunk. And point out that this exact issue was present in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey 4 years ago. But don’t worry, they’ve totally fixed it now.

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Realistically, this probably is an actual accident on the part of Ubisoft. Even they have to rationally know that interrupting gameplay for this sort of thing is going to generate backlash, so it’s hard to imagine that Ubisoft did this deliberately. Still, it’s funny to imagine that it was, and some completely out-of-touch executive demanded it, since that is a common occurrence in any creative industry.

Either way, it’s now safe to go back to butchering your way through the ancient world; the popups aren’t going to get you.

Source: PC Gamer

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