Arcade Archives brings the original arcade PUNCH-OUT!! to the Switch

The original Punch Out title finally comes to a Nintendo console. If you are wondering why we haven’t seen an accurate version of the title on a home consoles, well, the arcade machine had a really neat two-screen stacked format. You can think of it like a really big 3DS.
For those not in the know, “PUNCH-OUT!!” is a sports-action game released by Nintendo in 1984. Watch your opponents’ expressions and moves as you use a variety of punches and defensive moves on your path to become the boxing champion. The game became extremely popular with the double monitor setup, introducing intense boxing with dynamic graphics.
This version for the Switch keeps the original setup and lets you play the game holding the Switch normally with the screens side-by-side, or vertical like the game intended.

Arcade Archives PUNCH-OUT!! is out now on Nintendo Switch for $7.99.

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