The Apple Throttling Lawsuit Train Keeps Rolling – International Edition

Introducing the iLawsuit.

The anger directed at Apple seems to show no sign of abating. What was once two lawsuits has now burgeoned to a whopping eight. Two of which are from Israel and France.

The French lawsuit is of particular interest. It was filed by a French organization called HOP, the acronym translating out to Stop Planned Obsolescence (I’m disappointed it’s not Hommes Omelette Pain – Men Omelette Bread).


They’ve also filed a suit against Epson for roughly similar reasons, as you’d imagine. Planned Obsolescence is not permitted under French law, and can carry a fine of up to 5% of company’s annual sales if they’re found guilty of it.

I’m guessing Apple’s wishing they thought this plan through a bit more than they did.

Source: Engadget

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