Apple Moving Away from Intel CPU’s


Now would be a good time to build a tasteful casket for your wallet, Apple fans.

Look, rumors are what they are. It’s not terribly hard to really take an L on one if it doesn’t pan out, especially if you don’t have the time to really check it all out. But sometimes they pan out, and this one isn’t hard to believe as true. Since Apple is always doing hilariously consumer unfriendly stuff like this.

In this case, they’re rumored to stop supporting IBM CPU’s in their PCs and laptops, instead switching to Apple-built CPU’s for their devices. Needless to say, this would be pretty bad for IBM. But it’s also bad for those running “hackintoshes”, since it means that future updates may no longer be compatible with the x86 architecture Intel CPU’s run on.

While this is still just a rumor, as Apple hasn’t actually come out with the news, the source is pretty sound. Mark Gurman is known for his sources within Apple, so that lends an awful lot of credence to the rumor. Either way, the ramifications of the change would take years to really have an effect, so you don’t need to panic just yet.

Source: Gizmodo

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