Apple And The $1000 Monitor Stand


So you might’ve noticed how I kept my snark very low key in yesterday’s Mac Pro announcement article. Might’ve noticed how I was careful around the price of Apple’s new box. Might’ve also noticed how I didn’t mention the monitor’s Sutando stand. And that was mostly failure on my part, because if I’d done due diligence, I would’ve noticed it and mentioned it, changing the tone of the entire article.

Because the goddamn thing costs $1000.

$1000 for something that is literally a piece of metal shaped and meant to hold something else up. This is so buttfuckingly insane, even Apple’s WWDC crowd had their own version of a $599 US Dollars moment.

Now, to their credit, I’m pretty sure they immediately knew they fucked up the second the price tumbled from that man’s lips. Because the audience sure did react, didn’t they? They kicked the stage back to Tim Cook awful fast, too.

But hey, at least that new Mac Pro has NVIDIA support- oh wait, no it doesn’t. Well, I guess you’ll always have the superiority of being an Apple fan. And the proud owner of a $1000 stand. You schmuck.

Source: Boing Boing

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