Apex Legends Will Head To Mobile

Apex Legends

EA really needed this game.

EA realizes they’ve got lightning in a bottle. That’s why, just as with PUBG and Fortnite before it, Apex Legends is headed to mobile. During a conference call discussing quarterly earnings, EA mentioned plans to bring the game to the mobile market. No release dates, of course, but it’s safe to say the game will be on both Android and iOS. There are also plans to bring the game to China, similar to both the games mentioned above.

EA really needed Apex Legends to be a hit, and pressing this sudden advantage is a smart business strategy for them. They’ve been in a relatively terrible run since the Star Wars Battlefront II mess last year. Not to mention Anthem‘s performance after its initial surge. It would be a safe bet that Apex Legends is going to be their cornerstone for at least a little while.

Source: Engadget

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