Does anyone know what the new X-Men show ‘Legion’ is all about?

Legion is the new FX show based in the X-Men universe and from everything we’ve seen so far looks pretty sweet. Well, it looks far better than that Mutant X thing that was sort of connected way back when.

The show features an Omega level mutant that doesn’t quite grasp or understand his powers after spending years in an asylum as people though he was crazy. All this means the show sets up some really strange ideas and concepts of which neither the audience or lead character know if they’re actually real or imagined.

This strangeness also bleeds over to the cast as they themselves also don’t quite know how best to explain the show in this behind the scenes “First Look” video, but then again its probably just all marketing mumbo jumbo.

Still, Legion looks pretty impressive and I’m down for some mutant based musical numbers followed by crazy brutal destruction. Fingers crossed this one is good!

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