Another Bubsy Game Is Coming Later This Year For Some Reason

Accolade was a developer from the 90s that is best known for… best know for… Jack Nicklaus golf. Okay, maybe they made a few game a little better known than that golf series, but not by much. The internet best remembers the company from being the ones to destroy the mascot platformer by releasing the utterly generic Bubsy games.

They are also responsible for showing developers for generations to come how not to do 3D platformers with the vomit inducing Bubsy 3D. That was a game the proudly boasted an award on it’s cover that nobody can seem to find  ever existed.

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Now someone is making a new Bubsy game because apparently being a joke is enough to justify a reboot. Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back (ugh) will be hitting the PlayStation 4 and Steam this summer. Accolade folded back in 2000 and we aren’t all that sure if the company is back, or if some random person picked up the name to profit off their deep back catalog?

The official press release states that:

Accolade returns with classic all new, reimagined games from its vast catalog and brand new franchises that will thrill anyone from 9 to 90 that calls themselves a gamer. Get ready for the return of iconic games and franchises like Busby, Hardball, Slave Zero, Deadlock, Eradicator, Redline and more!

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