Anime Boob Game Omega Labyrinth Z Cancelled Everywhere Outside Japan

Omega Labyrinth Z


Probably the most surprising thing about Omega Labyrinth Z was that a publisher seriously believed that they could successfully bring it to the west. Nonetheless, Publisher PQube set out to do just that. Despite the fact that, aside from all the anime boobs, it’s a bog-standard dungeon crawler.

The game almost immediately had trouble in both Australia and the UK. And it didn’t stop there; because Sony Computer Entertainment of America has asked them to cancel the game. And in accordance with those wishes, PQube agreed. Their statement on twitter reads:

PQube strives to release Japanese content for its fans as close to the source material as possible. In the case of Omega Labyrith Z, while PQube has worked with all relevant age rating bodies in their respective territories, PQube must respectfully comply with the wishes of the platform holder and have therefore withdrawn any furture plans for Omega Labyrinth Z‘s European and North american release on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita.

It’s not terribly surprising it ended this way, though. The game features the usual moeblob Japanese schoolgirls with T&A on full display. The damned logo even highlights the boobs. And you may want to be careful watching the trailer if you’re at work, or you’ll have a lot of questions to answer. Unless you’re me; I kinda had to watch it for work. Thanks a lot for that one, boss.

Sadly (or not, depending on how you feel about it), the English translation seemed to be pretty much done. Regardless, it was mostly the visual novel aspects of the game that have kept it from western release. Which just so happened to be the games selling point, so…

Omega Labyrinth Z
Omega Labyrinth Z

Why, it’s impossible to imagine the circumstances that led to cancellation, given these screenshots!

If you really want to play it, you can still import. And enjoy your company on that government watch list.

Source: VG 24/7

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