Animal Shelter Fires Security Robot



The San Francisco SPCA has let their Knightscope K5 Security Robot go. Which is an improvement compared to the suicide one of its siblings attempted a while back. Though I suppose we can’t rule out suicide, especially when it finds out it’s not eligible for robot unemployment.

The robot had been deployed to decrease the amount of crime in the area. The shelter’s president admits it was effective, decreasing the amount of car break-ins and used hypodermic needles (holy fuck!) in the area. It was also cost-effective, running the shelter a mere $7 an hour.

So what went wrong? The city didn’t like it. They threatened to fine the shelter $1000 a day for letting the bot on the streets without a permit. Also, the shelter was getting threats, to the point of people vandalizing the shelter, due to the fact that the robot was “disrupting the homeless population”. I’m glad to see they’ve got their priorities straight.

Congratulations, San Francisco, you’ve spared your citizens from the robot menace. Soon the Bay City streets will once again be paved with broken tempered glass and hepatitis infested needles, as they should be. This victory has no doubt set Skynet back by another decade.

Source: Innovation & Tech Today

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