Ouya BTFO yet again.
Homebrew developers XDA have made a breakthrough on the Switch. They now have a version of Android that will run on Nintendo’s quirky little console. Granted, there are still a few bugs yet to be ironed out, but it works.
What this means is that anything that works on Tegra powered Android systems will also work here. And that includes games; specifically, that includes games intended for NVIDIA’s Shield TV, like Borderlands and Half-Life 2.

Other than bugs, there are a few downsides. For one, Nintendo may well patch out the ability to run it; they certainly won’t be supporting it. And that’s not taking into account that some of the more recently produced Switches may not be able to run it at all. But you should be good to go if you can boot Hekate on it.

That said, it does put a fair bit of power at your fingertips. Having access to a number of Android apps alongside your usual portable gaming on the go may be a decent boon for some. But mostly for the games; good Lord, do touchscreen buttons suck.

Source: Engadget