America’s Army: Proving Grounds deploys on PS4 this summer

I still remember the original America’s Army which was a pretty big deal. A competitive online FPS the focused on the realistic and used as a recruitment tool made a lot of sense at a time when video games we really becoming mainstream. I’m not sure how effective it was as a recruitment tool, but it was a fun enough game and now its hitting modern consoles. Well, a modern console at the very least.

The U.S. Army today announced it is launching the FREE  America’s Army: Proving Grounds game on the Playstation 4.  The game, which was released on PC in beta in August 2013, has more than 1.3 million player accounts and 935 years of play time.

“July 4th, 2017 is the 15th anniversary of the America’s Army game.  This may not be the first version of AA on consoles, but it is the best!” said Daniel Kolenich, Executive Producer for America’s Army.

Bringing together the best of previous America’s Army games, AA:PG stresses small unit tactical maneuvers and training that emulates real-world Army training.  America’s Army: Proving Grounds showcases the Army by emphasizing Army Values, teamwork, training and completing the objectives through gameplay that reflects the Soldier’s Creed.

The America’s Army game features:

  • Several training exercises designed to sharpen small unit maneuver skills.  Exercises are small engagements of 8 players vs. 8 players.  These fast-paced maps focus on teaching players how to work as a team and learn basic skills and maneuvers.
  • Realistic equipment and military hardware such as such as the M9A1 & M1911 Pistol, 870 MCS shotgun, M14EBR-RI sniper rifle, M24 sniper rifle, M4A1 and the M249 Saw.  Players can also use the M67 fragmentation grenade, M106 Fast Obscurant Grenade and the M84 Stun Grenade as well as optics that include the M68 Close Combat Optic, M553 Holographic Weapon Sight, M150 ACOG 4x Optic, Elcan M145 and Ghost Ring Sight.
  • Players have the ability to apply medical aid to stop their own bleeding which allows them to maintain their health and stay in the game for completion of the mission. Players can also assist downed squad mates to bring them back into the fight.
  • Integrated Voice Over IP for efficient team communication.
  • Customization including the camo pattern of their team, the gear load-out of their Soldier and the ability to unlock weapon skins on their weapons and to obtain new optics.
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