Amazon Prime Now Offers U.S. Whole Foods Deliveries in 2 Hours

Whole Foods

Make a millennial market worker cry from the comfort of your own home.

Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods has spurred them to innovate with the brick-and-mortar business model. And they haven’t exactly been idling their time away. They’ve already been making changes to the stores and, whether for good or ill, it’s too early to know how it’ll all turn out.

But yesterday, Amazon started offering a new service for Prime Now customers. Prime Now customers in select locations can now have Whole Foods orders delivered to their homes for free, in two hours or less, on any purchase over $35. The window for these orders is from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.

The service is currently limited to Austin, Cincinnati, Dallas, and Virginia Beach. Amazon has, however, stated that they will expand the service across the U.S. over the year.

Source: VentureBeat

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