Amazon Launches New Amazon One App That Can Scan Users Palms For Checkout


Beats the Alien Resurrection halitosis sensor.

This Thursday saw Amazon announce the release of a new app for Amazon One that changes the game when it comes to authorizing purchases. This new app allows users to simply wave their palm over a device to purchase goods and services from a range of stores. These range from Whole Foods To Amazon stores, and many others (including around 150 third-party stores) between.

It starts with downloading the Amazon One app. From there, you can take a picture of your palm and tie it to your account. After creating an account and adding a payment method, your palm is tied to your account, and can now be used for everything from making purchases, age verification, entry, and loyalty programs at any of the stores, airports, fitness centers, stadiums, and more that are part of Amazon One’s program.

According to Amazon, all palm pictures taken through the app are encypted and sent to a secure Amazon One domain in the AWS cloud. In addition, these pictures can’t be downloaded or saved to a mobile device.

Amazon says that the new app has been used over 8 million times.

This is an expansion on a similar app the company used before for identification purposes. Originally, it was used to authenticate employees upon entering certain areas at the company.

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Source: TechCrunch

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