‘Amazon Go’ is a retail store with no checkout lines or registers

Amazon Go is a new 1,800-square foot brick and mortar store up in Seattle that is much different than any store you may have been to before. But how different is it? Well, the store has no registers or checkout lines.

While this may sound like some fancy art project, this is very much a real store. The Amazon Go store is equipped with lots of sensors and cameras that see everything that you toss into you bag/basket.

Once you have your fill of what you need all you do is leave the store and you’ll automatically be charged to your Amazon account. This is all handled by the same sort of tech that in fancy self-driving cars, deep learning AI, and probably a little big brother style surveillance.

Being monitored from all angles might be a little creepy, but this is a retail store and waiting in a checkout line is a pain. And those self-checkout things are always broken.

You can check out the video and see how it all works for yourself.

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