Amazon Cancels Breakaway


You could say they… broke away from the project.

Amazon’s foray into the world of eSports is no more. It was recently announced that Amazon’s internally developed game, Breakaway, has been cancelled.

Since our last announcement, we have worked to implement community feedback and iterate on Breakaway’s core gameplay. While we have developed many ideas and made a lot of progress, we are also setting a very high bar for ourselves. In spite of our efforts, we didn’t achieve the breakthrough that made the game what we all hoped it could be. After a lot of soul searching, the team decided to focus on new ideas. As a result, Breakaway is no longer in active development.

While Amazon Game Studios plans to work on other projects now, that doesn’t mean that Breakaway is truly down for the count. That is assuming “a thunderbolt of inspiration strikes”. They already have several projects in the tube, however, like New World and Crucible. So I wouldn’t expect that thunderbolt anytime soon.

Source: Gamespot

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