Alone In The Dark Returns With “Completely Original Story” By SOMA Writer

Alone in the dark

THQ Nordic getting it done.

You’d be forgiven for seeing that Alone in the Dark is coming back and having some low level dread. While the3 first game, made back in 1992, was among the first and most influential Survival Horror games, the passage of time has not seen the series flourish like some others in its genre.And it was a long, slow, painful ride to the bottom. It got to the point where the most recent game, 2015’s Alone in the Dark: Illumination, sits at a 19 over on Metacritic. Ouch.

But, the series is now getting the THQ Nordic treatment. The publisher had their own digital showcase (with blackjack, and hookers), and Alone in the Dark was there. The new game will be a “reimagination” of the original trilogy, complete with the same characters, settings, and themes in “a completely original story” by Mikael Hedberg (SOMA, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Penumbra: Black Plague).

The game is being handled by Pieces Interactive, and follows Emily Hartwood and private investigator Edward Carnby, in their quest to find Hartwood’s missing Uncle in Derceto Manor, a refuge for the “mentally fatigued”. The story, set in the south in the 20’s, features different cutscenes depending on which of the two characters you’re playing as. Combat and puzzle solving form the core of the experience , painted across the backdrop of “a deep psychological story that goes beyond the realms of the imaginable.”

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As of right now, there’s no set release date. That said, there will be a playable demo at Gamescom this year, which runs August 24th through the 28th. So maybe it’s further along than you might think…

Source: PC Gamer

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