Alexa can now Flush your Kohler Toilet


“Alexa, I took the Browns to the Superbowl. You know what that means.”

Thank God for the internet of things, eh? You’ll soon be able to ask your digital assistant to flush your toilet, among other things. Well, as long as those fixtures are Kohler brand.

Kohler unveiled their plans for Kohler Konnect, a cloud service that lets you set preferences for different fixtures in the line. They plan to show off the new fixtures at CES this week. Filling your bathtub, activating speakers in the bathroom mirror, and yes, even flushing your toilet via voice command are things the fixtures will be able to do.

Though if you’d rather not announce to anyone there that you’d want Alexa (or eventually, Cortana) that you’ve got a double flusher on your hands, you can also use the Kohler Konnect app to manage these commands voicelessly.

It’s the internet of things. What could possible go wrong?

Source: VentureBeat

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