Ahmed Best Explains His Character’s Purple Lightsaber In Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge

Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge

And we wish him all the best for it.

It’s safe to say that Ahmed Best has had some rocky times with the Star Wars franchise. He famously portrayed Jar Jar Binks in the Prequel Trilogy, and reception to the character was… not exactly kind to him. And while he hasn’t performed major roles quite like in The Phantom Menace in the franchise since, he has reprised the role for The Clone Wars, as well as lent his voice to several minor characters in the series.

Notably, he came back and dialed it up to 11 for this. It’s great!

Regardless, he’s appearing in the flesh as the host character for Disney’s Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge. And notably, his character, Master Keleran Beq, has a purple lightsaber (the most badass of lightsaber colors). And Best actually shared the story reasons why on his Twitter:


As for the show itself, well, its already drawn a fair few comparisons to Legends of the Hidden Temple. Best is joined by Mary Holand (Veep) as protocol droid AD-3, and Sam Witwer as “the dark side of the Force” (totally not Darth Maul). The series premieres today, June 3rd, and can be watched on the Star Wars Kids YouTube Channel or the Star Wars Kids Website.

Source: ScreenRant

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