Adventure Time “Hot Diggety Doom” & “The Comet”

Since the episode is basically a two-parter of Adventure Time, I’ve decided to run these together. The second part picks up right where the first leaves off anyway.

The episode starts off with Peppermint Butler pounding a campaign sign into the ground. A figure in the woods unleashes the squirrel that hates Jake. Peppermint Butler, clearly threatened, calls upon the Gumball Guardians to chase it away.

In the square, The King of Ooo is surrounded by a crowd. He’s campaigning to be voted princess of the Candy Kingdom in a “barely legal, and yet fully legal election”. The King of Ooo is a total shyster, and runs a smear campaign on Princess Bubblegum. Finn and Jake, however, still remain loyal to PB. Unfortunately, The King of Ooo has the con artist game down pat.

He’s made of earwax, so you know he’s 100% repulsive.
He’s made of earwax, so you know he’s 100% repulsive.

Princess Bubblegum, however, is more worried about the comet than she is about politics among the people she created. Despite Peppermint Butler’s warning that the candy people are really dumb, she sticks to her telescope, becoming more and more upset by the goings on outside. She argues that the Candy people are mercurial, but they’re not dillweeds, which may be the closest the show has ever gotten to a real swear without deliberately filtering it through the show’s slang.

Naturally, The King of Ooo sweeps the election with the majority vote, because the candy people are fucking stupid. PB is enraged by this and stomps out of her tower. She calls the King of Ooo, his crony, and his enigma of a campaign manager (he‘s the same one who let the squirrel loose at the beginning of the episode) all dillweeds. I just have to say that hearing Hynden Walch yelling dillweed at them has got to be one of the most entertaining things ever. PB’s absolutely livid until she sees the candy people looking at her, and she tosses her crown on the ground in disgust, walking out of the city with Peppermint Butler in tow.

On the way out, Finn and Jake stop her to find out what her plan is. She tells them to serve the kingdom, and kisses them both on the forehead. She then goes to a dilapidated cabin in the countryside, which happens to be crappier than what Peppermint Butler is used to living in. It was built by her uncle, though, so she figures they’ll have time to spruce it up before the candy people come to their senses.

PB looks weird without her crown.
PB looks weird without her crown.
The King of Ooo‘s legs. I couldn‘t fit this in anywhere else, but they‘re hilarious.
The King of Ooo‘s legs. I couldn‘t fit this in anywhere else, but they‘re hilarious.

The King of Ooo has his coronation around this time. Afterwards, Starchie laments the fact that the new rule comes with more work for him. Finn and Jake walk up and comment on how purple the approach of the catalyst comet has made things, alerting Starchie, and by extension all of the candy people, to its presence. This sends things into anarchy, with Finn and Jake deciding to give the King a heads up.

In the castle, they hear noises coming from the basement. They find the campaign manager messing with PB’s space rocket and try to stop him. Finn takes a laser blast to the chest, but is mostly unharmed; Jake manages to reach the guy and punch him in the face, knocking off the disguise to reveal Gunter and his giant green brain. He hops in the rocket and takes off.

Sayonara, suckers!
“Sayonara, suckers!”

Full scale panic reigns in the Candy Kingdom. The King and his buddy assure themselves that things would be worse without his calming presence. Suddenly, the castle shakes as the rocket launches. PB steps out on the porch of the cabin to find the world bathed in purple light, which leads us to…


PB sees the explosion of the rocket launch. She note that whoever stole it made modifications, which means that it will be long gone by the time she would be able to stop it. Luckily, Jake stretches himself and Finn up to it. The ship is moving too fast for them, and Jake loses his grip, but the thorn in Finn’s hand left by the grass sword catches on one of the arms of the rocket, saving them. He pulls them up and into the lower hatch of the ship. They find some space suits which they put on before heading to the bridge.

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They find Gunter at the controls. He monologues about how the comet is clearing his memory. He suddenly expands into his true form, utterly destroying the rocket. He asks Finn and Jake what happened to Glob, with Finn telling him that Glob exploded in space. He introduces himself as Orgalorg, and pretty much lets them know his intentions. Finn resolves to try to stop him, and Orgalorg swats them, sending Finn and Jake hurtling through space, each with a slightly different trajectory.

I will be very proud if someone on Youtube sets this bit to The Blue Danube.
I will be very happy if someone on YouTube sets this bit to The Blue Danube.

Finn appeals to the universe to save them, since drifting through space is a death sentence. He then runs into Martin. Martin helps him into the Milk Moth with the help of the added reach of his jockstrap. Finn begs him to help him save Jake, but Martin tells him he has no idea how to steer the moth. Luckily, the moth is attracted to the comet, and Finn mentions that the creature trying to absorb the comet is named Orgalorg, which sends Martin into a panic.

Orgalorg eats the comet. Finn decides to try to stop him; while Martin tells him that there’s no use in trying, as Orgalorg has already won. Finn doesn’t listen, and hurls himself into Orgalorg’s maw

Inside, Finn sees the comet’s power being leached away. As he moves to stop Orgalorg, one of the tentacles much like the ones destroying the comet, pierces Finn’s arm. The thorn in his hand pushes through his palm, transforming his arm into one made of greenery. It whips away the tentacles, and he then uses it to completely wreck Orgalorg’s insides, freeing the comet.

When a problem comes along,/ You must whip it/ Before the cream sets out too long/ You must whip it/ When something‘s going wrong/ You must whip it
When a problem comes along/ You must whip it/ Before the cream sets out too long/ You must whip it/ When something‘s going wrong/ You must whip it

The comet hatches like an egg. It asks Finn if he remembers being a comet himself, which connects to all of his past lives. The comet give him a choice; travel with it to the end of all time, or remain in meatspace on Earth. Ultimately, Finn chooses to stay, but Martin jumps at the chance to take his place. Finn is incensed at first, but comes to accept that it may be for the best; after all, Martin is damn good at abandoning Finn. He disappears with the comet, and Finn hops a ride back to Earth with Banana Man, who picked up Jake previously, fulfilling Jake’s Cosmic Owl dream. Orgalorg, beaten but not dead, decides that being Gunter wasn’t all that bad and latches on to the ship, transforming in Earth’s gravity as they descend.

On Earth, PB and Peppermint Butler watch as the reenter the atmosphere. PB asks him the odds they survived, and he replies with 50-50. The land in the lake and announce their return. Finn’s arm is notably back to normal.


This made for a damn good season finale. It wraps up some stuff that had been hanging around, it leaves enough ambiguity for more to happen next season, and it gave me a reason to reference Devo’s Whip It. All good stuff.

Final Thoughts:

  • Dillweed!
  • Wondering if the Cosmic Owl dream PB had was in fact realized in this episode.
  • If the scene where Finn was whipping away at Orgalor wasn’t a Fist of the North Star reference, I will be surprised. He even shouts atatatata!
    Season rating: 3.5/5

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