Adventure Time creator confirms Princess Bubblegum and Marceline once dated

Confirming what a lot of fans already suspectd, Adventure Time actress Olivia Olsen (who voices Marceline) said at a book signing that according to series creator Pendleton Ward, Marceline and Princess Bubblegum totally dated at one point.

Answering a fan’s question about, sigh, “Bubbline” (because what fanbase would be complete without stupid fucking portmanteaus?), Olsen said:

I was at the studio on Tuesday and Pen was actually there because he was recording for Lumpy Space Princess and I wanted to ask him a lot of questions, because he’s trying to write the book and stuff so I wanted to pick his brain a little bit. And he says, ‘Oh, you know they dated, right?’ And I said, ‘Wellll, that’s what I figured from all the creepy fan art.’

p & m

Olsen’s statement was met with cheers and cries of “Yes! Yes!” She went on to say:

I said, ‘Are they going to do it in the show at all, or can we say anything about it in the book?’ And he’s like, ‘I don’t know about the book, but in some countries where the show airs, it’s sort of illegal.’ So that’s why they’re not putting it in the show.

So, whether we ever see any of Marceline and Bubblegum’s relationship, it’s still canonical. I gotta say, I like this better than J.K. Rowling’s eleventh-hour outing of Dumbledore. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a gay icon, but one of those famously gay characters whose sexuality was so hidden from readers that the author had to spell it out for everyone.

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Congratulations, Adventure Time. And congratulations to me for resisiting the urge to insert the “Scissor me timbers!” gif from South Park .

Thanks to Buzzfeed for the heads up.


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