Activision Blizzard Wants a Call of Duty Cinematic Universe

Call of Duty

Lets be honest, this is unnecessary.

Look, I’m not a fan of Call of Duty. I can’t comprehend why you’d want a Call of Duty Cinematic Universe. Its niche has been mined the fuck out by Hollywood over the past 20-30 years. You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a war movie of some stripe or another on a list of upcoming movies for the year. It’s also pretty well known for people (including, occasionally, the developers) thinking that it’s the first game to do something when it isn’t. I can’t think of anything these games have that would stand out in the genre and make people think “Yeah, it’s Call of Duty alright.”

And you know what? It all doesn’t matter. This is one of those things that you could shit in a can and it’d sell millions. It’s of no import whether it’s good or not. And unlike DC’s cinematic efforts, it won’t face any backlash for it. Call of Duty has a large, insufferably diehard fanbase that will eat it up, and I’d be surprised if they didn’t. And all that they’ve planned is, if I’m allowed semantics, a franchise, not a universe. Blizzard’s stuff could be a universe; they’ve established a huge-ass crossover for their characters. Several generations of soldiers, on the other hand, isn’t a universe.

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But Godspeed, Activision Blizzard; may this Call of Duty film pave the way for things your fans would actually want.

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