Activision Blizzard Made $1.2 Billion On Microtransactions Last Quarter

Activision Blizzard

You all need to learn some impulse control.

In an odd twist, COVID-19 has actually meant big business for gaming companies. Out of the many entertainment options, they’ve seen perhaps the biggest boom during this time period. And as such, Activision Blizzard has released their financial results for last quarter, and they’re massive. $1.9 billion in total for the period between July and September; an increase of ~$700 million over the same period in 2019 ($1.2 billion). For reference, that would fund several AAA titles easily.

And for that, they have microtransactions to thank. They made roughly $1.2 billion of that (the same amount they made for the entire quarter last year) from microtransactions alone. The bulk of which were from two games: Call of Duty Modern Warfare and Call of Duty Warzone. They have an insane number of active users supporting the latter, a number only dwarfed by players of Candy Crush… which Activision Blizzard also owns.

The company predicts a total end-of-year booking of about $8.1 billion. Which, uh, probably stings for their former Versailles, France employees. Activision Blizzard, really aiming for that EA most hated spot, eh?

Source: PC Gamer

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