Active Shooter Gets Removed from Steam

If you guessed it was because of content, guess again.

Active Shooter, the controversial game on Steam, has finally been removed from the store. But not because of the content, like you might suspect with all of the angry people (below). After all, Active Shooter doesn’t have any BEEG ANNYMAY TEEDDIES.

It cracks me up that people never figure out that edgy little dipshits do stuff like this just for the reaction it gets.

No, it was removed because of the developer, Ata Berdiyev, has a Steam rap sheet. He has, previously, done the following, all considered big no-no’s on the platform:

  • Abused customers
  • Published copyrighted material (i.e. asset flips)
  • Manipulated user reviews
  • And just, generally, being an all around asshole.

And it’s a safe bet that he did all of the above with Active Shooter. Either way, it’s gone, and the people that were mad about it have won; at least until the next edgy asshole comes along and pulls the same trick, getting them riled up again. The whole thing does, however, bring into question Steam’s curation process, which flooded the platform with all kinds of hot garbage.

Source: VG 24/7

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