Action-MOBA Master X Master reveals new character and kicks off ranked pre-season

Recently release action MOBA Master X Master is introducing Yuri as its first post-launch Master. Yuri is a melee-based juggernaut and talented martial artist who’s been groomed by veteran Masters to be combat effective in the fight to rescue Earth from Atlas and the Synd.

Master X Master is a fresh different take on the genre that offers a Tag System where players are able to switch between two selected characters at any time during a match. This adds a huge degree of depth to gameplay tactics in both competitive (PvP) as well as solo and cooperative (PvE) play, with the action framed within a story about saving earth from the artificial intelligence villain, Atlas.

After playing the game for a little while, this feature really does make the game stand out within a very crowded genre. That said, we still have some issues with how grind intensive the game is, even when compared to other MOBA games from across the internet. But we need more time with the game to make any final conclusions and the game is a lot of fun as it stands.

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Master X Master also kicks off its ranked mode with a four week-long pre-season ahead of Season One starting on 16th August. The ranked mode is where the true competition lies with the game’s unique Tag mechanic and stats enhancements (Nodes) due to unleach a deadly fusion of Masters battling it out in the battelgrounds to archieve victory.

NCSOFT will be rewarding all participants, with additional prizes for those who finish in the top 100 ranks of the pre-season. Master X Master is playable for free and all general content can be earned in-game over time. For further details and to sign up for a free account, simply visit today.

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