All aboard for the Wes Anderson cruise

If you thought it was stupid to wear a scarf with your tweed swim trunks, get ready to be proven wrong, as Wes Anderson invites you on a seven-day cruise to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Queen Mary 2. You can join frequent Anderson collaborators like Roman Coppola, Jason Schwartzman, and Tilda Swinton (“Tilda Swinton on a cruise” sounds like an answer you’d get in Cards Against Humanity).

From The AV Club:

There they’ll present a special screening of Grand Budapest alongside unspecified “other” films (The Life Aquatic seems like an obvious choice), to be followed by a Q&A session and—if past cruise itineraries are any indication—Anderson hosting a nightly Wet Corduroy contest.

The cruise sets sail on June 13. Honestly, this whole thing sounds like a Saturday Night Live sketch. “I’m your cruise master, Wes Anderson. Allow me to give you a tour of the ship and explain the rules to you in a breathlessly edited montage, pausing only to make sure everything is perfectly center framed while an osbcure Kinks song plays.” I’m gonna have to stop; any time there’s Wes Anderson news, writers on the Internet are in danger of their brains overheating from trying to think of jokes too fast.

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