A Plague Tale: Requiem Announced & Coming Day 1 to Xbox Game Pass

A Plague Tale: Requiem, the sequel to one of the most unique and surprising games of last generation, and one we followed the development for several years, will be a launch day game for Xbox Game Pass in 2022. The million-seller was a fantastic adventure featuring what seemed like millions of generated rats making for a really creepy look and feel. Interesting enough, I just finished replaying the game last week because I enjoyed it so much.

Debuting at the Xbox showcase at E3, A Plague Tale: Requiem showed off lots more rats, a much older and grizzled Amica with a crossbow instead of her trust sling, and a Hugo still racked with the Macula and most likely still being hunted for killing a prominent Catholic priest in the last game.

Focus Home Interactive and Asobo Studios have been doing a lot of quality work, but it seems like A Plague Tale is their first massive hit series and I am all for that. This is one to definitely check out and makes having Game Pass an even more amazing deal heading into 2022.

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