Bowsette 2: The Secret of the Boos


Meet hot Koopa Kingdom women in ur area!!111!!!1!

Hey, imagine my surprise when i wake up, and I’ve already been sent a message from the EiC about how that first Bowsette article went. And then imagine my surprise when he also sends me an image of what the top incoming search term was.


“Who’s your favorite Little Rascal? Alfalfa, or is it Spanky.

But how do you one-up something that is already incorporating other memes?

It’s probably already made Shigeru Miyamoto recoil in horror.

I mean, even Arby’s got in on it:

Clearly, It must be unmade in Mount Doom, by chucking it into the lava with an ancient Andy Serkis with a split  personality.

Oh, yeah. Forgot this stuff mutates. And in this case, into everything. EVERYTHING. From the reasonably decent in-joke:

To the so obscure, you might not get it at first.

Yes, that’s the piano from Super Mario 64.

But, hell, why not make it all the Mario enemies? They sure did. Chain Chomps, ranging from “Okay” to the “Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with you?!”

Boos of all sorts, partially as a Luigi Joke… partially.

The only joke I could possibly come up for this is entirely too easy. Write it yourself.

To… aww fuck it. Practically every Mario enemy got the Super Crown treatment.

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Even some allies… and Mario himself:

To the… whatever, man.

Yep, donut blocks.

Oh, but did you think these shenanigans stopped there? Oh no, no no no no no, you’ve misunderstood. This doesn’t end with Mario enemies and characters. That was just the beginning.

Total honesty? I’m surprised it took this long.

I’m not sure this really counts when you really think about it.

I mean, is there really anywhere else you can go? It’s managed to spread so fast. Nothing is safe from the Super Crown. In a funny sort of way, it sucks.


*Side note: Almost everything here came from Know Your Meme’s Super Crown gallery. I don’t own shit.

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