Transformers Robots in Disguise “Mini-Con Madness”

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I was surprised that Transformers: Robots in Disguise busted out a “previously on” segment. Since this mini-season was so short, I would’ve figured they’d dispense with that. Then again, having one is practically multi-parter law; nigh indispensable.

Starscream crows over his capturing of Bumblebee. Bumblebee notes that he’s reverted to an older form, reminescent of his Gen 1 design, instead of his Prime design. This prompts him to recount the tale of how he escaped the Predacons. He succeeded in using some powerful weapons he found against them (by accident), and stumbled into one of Megatron‘s secret labs.

Among the many things he found there were the Minicons. They had been collected during their youth and genetically modified (WTF how!) to give a power boost to whoever they linked with. Furthermore, whoever collected and linked with all seven Dragon Balls Chaos Emeralds Minicons would get a huge power boost. Megatron never finished his work on them, but Starscream did. They ran away, taking his hopes of revenge on Megatron with them.

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Seriously, explain this. How the hell do they have genetic material to modify!?  (Image: Cartoon Network)

Jetstorm and Slipstream spend a fair bit of time smashing their heads on the force field holding them in. They really don’t think of looking for an alternative until Fixit suggests going around instead. They still don’t really get it, so he suggests the air duct above them. The usual air duct shenanigans ensue, with Jetstorm almost getting caught in a room he shouldn’t be in. Luckily, Bumblebee is able to distract Starscream from the loud clanging noises by belittling his achievements. Starscream’s ego is his biggest flaw, so this works pretty well.

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Smug is an emotion that plays really well on these faces. You know, as opposed to Funky Winkerbean. (Image: Cartoon Network)

On the other side of things, Optimus takes charge almost immediately, giving everyone their orders. He has them fan out, since the hologram Strascream used to contact them isn’t really a long range thing. Strongarm and Sideswipe wind up having the luck to cross the Minicons. They call for back up first, which is good, because they immediately wind up grabbing a couple of the little suckers. Even Grimlock’s powerless against them.

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Optimus shows up and sets things straight, though. And that’s mostly thanks to their leader, Aerobolt, recognizing him. He decides prime is worthy of his trust and they attempt to link, but it fails because old habits die hard. Tricerashot decides he’s not going to stick around after that, and leaves. And then the Scavengers show up.

They’re all armed with relics which do God knows what. since they’re all weapons made for warfare, though, they don’t really screw around. The fight doesn’t go well until one of them fuses with Strongarm, giving her a boost that helps her take down two of them. Clawtrap has a net casting weapon, though, and that incapacitates them. And since Starscream was searching for those surges, he finds them and takes the Mini-cons back, sans Tricerashot.

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Celebrating before you’ve actually won? We know how that usually goes. (Image: Cartoon Network)

Transformers: Robots in Disguise has set up the finale of this mini-series. Honestly, I’m hoping they keep Starscream in play after this. It be a shame if he got disintegrated or something.

Final Thoughts:

  • Still can’t figure out why they grab the little guys when they come flying at them
  • I really liked the stills they used for Starscream’s recounting of his escape. Very picture book
  • Denny and Russell have been taking lessons so that they won’t dump everyone in the middle of nowhere again

“More Starscream is always a good thing.”

“Pretty Good”

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