Apple’s New MacBooks May Come With E-Ink Keyboards

Apple just hasn’t been that same innovate company that it was under Steve Jobs. Sure, they continue to put out good products, but the company is beginning to fall into the realm of Mom and Dad stuff; Boring, bland, predictable, safe. But if reports coming from the Wall Street Journal are to be believed, the company is looking to mix things up in a way no other has, and with the keyboard of all things.

Apple is reportedly working on a new keyboard for its line of MacBook laptops that will be able to change the characters on the keys depending on what you might be doing. For most this might be something as silly as emoji’s across the number keys when posting online, but the applications for professionals is staggering.

Think about booting up any of the Adobe suite of software and having the keyboard map to the keyboard shortcuts of the program. No more having to deal with messy stickers or rubber overlays for a dozen editing programs. As someone who works a lot in Photoshop and Premiere Pro this sounds lovely.

The Wall Street Journal claims that the keyboards are looking to come into play sometime in 2018, but this years Mac conference would be a great place to tease the new device.  The journal even reported that:

The new keyboards will be a standard feature on MacBook laptops, and will be able to display any alphabet, along with an unlimited number of special commands and emojis, people familiar with the plans said.

The below Gif from Sounder Design shows us what the keyboard might be able to do.

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E-Ink Keyboard

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