Transformers: Robots in Disguise has been pretty focused on the home team. So it’s nice that they’re finally checking back in with Optimus and the others. Especially as the season is nearing its close.
Windblade gets alerted to the fact that someone’s been trying to get into one of her supply caches. Optimus is feeling better by this point, so they hurry there. They find that while the defenses weren’t breached, there was an attempt made to do so. also the force field on the door flings Sideswipe 50 feet away from it.

Just as they’re checking things out, a bunch of Minicons show up, spraying them with weapons fire and light ordinance. They’re being led by a Decepticon named Stockade, a General in the Decepticon Army with an almost flawless record of wins. Except for that one loss that initially got him captured. Looking at the way the guy has swagger, and the rusty chunk of metal he’s constantly chomping on, I’m guessing they based him off of General Douglass MacArthur. Appropriate, if you want your General character to be badass. All he’s missing are the aviator sunglasses.

He’s made the smart move of appropriating any Earth weapons and ammunition that he’s come across, too. His troops injure Drift with a grenade launcher, forcing him to seal himself up in the vault. Standard weapons fire forces the others into the more fortified rooms of the abandoned base. He’s not stupid, and he’s in it to win it. I like him already.
The reason Drift got injured was to save his pupils. They’ve been trying to grow beyond his instruction, and deliberately ignored his orders during the fight. Needless to say, they’re wracked by guilt over the situation. By episode’s end, he admits they’ve grown beyond his teaching, but their apology resets things to normal. So they wind up same as they ever were.
Sideswipe is the first to get out of his situation by tricking Stockade’s troops, with the help of Jetstorm and Slipstream. He then frees Optimus and Windblade from the magnetically sealed vault they took refuge in like a boss, while Jetstorm and Slipstream deal with the troops around the cache. Drift, to his credit despite his non-working legs, uses a grenade launcher he found in the cache to fend off some of the troops like a good Demoman.

Since they divided and conquered most of Stockade’s forces, he has less of an advantage when Optimus and Windblade join the fight. Thanks to Jetstorm and Slipstream being able to deploy from Sideswipe, Stockade is now easily defeated. The reinforcements they called for arrive in the form of Grimlock; too late due to their mission in an area with too much interference for long range communications. Even though hes disappointed that there’s nothing left to punch, he happily gives Drift a ride through the Ground Bridge.
Transformers: Robots in Disguise probably realized that they needed their party unsplit for the finale. especially since we hadn’t heard from the Stealth Team in five episodes. Still they rejoined the party in style.
Final Thoughts:
- I just realized that not a single member of the Stealth Team has a ranged weapon outside of their vehicle mode.
- As annoying as the constant “hup”ing might be, it was an improvement over velociraptor noises.
- No, even I can’t figure out how the tactics of deploying from someone else’s arms is in any way different. Just accept it.