4 Years After Launch, Cyberpunk 2077 Earns ‘Overwhelmingly Positive’ Rating On Steam

Cyberpunk2077 is finally good

It’s been a long road getting here for Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 was supposed to save us. It was supposed to be the next great open-world game that pushed the genre and hardware it ran on forward. Instead, Cyberpunk 2077 was a hot mess of a release that barely worked on platforms that could run it while also trying to hold itself together on the like of the original Xbox One.

It was a masterpiece of a disaster that led Cyberpunk 2077 to become the butt of the gaming world. But here we are four years later, the length of a freaking presidential term, to finally be seeing the Cyberpunk 2077 that we expected at launch. Associate game director on the Cyberpunk sequel took to Twitter writing:

“Never dreamt it will be possible. Over four years after the release Cyberpunk 2077 hit Overwhelmingly Positive on Steam. So thankful for your passion, memes, videos, reviews, articles, fan art, cosplay and mods. Much love my chooms!”

This is a testament to developer CD Projekt Red who kept working on the game when most any other AAA publisher would have simply walked away. Years were spent fixing all sorts of bugs and glitches. The team added DLC that also addressed a number of issues. The team even went as far as overhauling major gameplay features that Cyberpunk 2077 launched with, making them better, more streamlined, and simply more fun.

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Sure, we are praising the team, and rightfully so, but let’s not forget that this mess of a game was full price at launch when the developers knowing full well that it was kind of a mess. I’m happy the game is fixed and we get to experience the full measure of what Cyberpunk 2077 has to offer. But this should be a lesson to wait until something is ready so that players don’t have to wait another full presidential term in order to play the game that they were promised.

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