Ubisoft Deletes The Crew From User’s Libraries In The Wake Of The Game’s Server Shutdown

The Crew

“You’ll own noting and you’ll be happy” MF’ers when they lose that game they paid for because the servers don’t work anymore.

Grass grows, birds fly, and Ubisoft does things to piss people off. In this case, revoking the license to play racing game The Crew from paying customers.

Why, you ask? Because they ended service for the game back on the first of the month, in some sort of sick joke. The Crew was an online-only racing game, so Ubisoft likely decided that, since the servers no longer existed for the game, what was the point in letting people keep it in their library? Some are likening the move to bald theft, seeing as there was no notification that they would simply yoink the game out of people’s libraries. It’s being considered especially galling, as this is a game you had to pay for, and some allege that Ubisoft’s actions might be considered illegal in a number of countries.

While it is worth noting that this doesn’t affect The Crew‘s sequels, The Crew 2 and The Crew Motorfest, it’s still considered somewhat rank. While Ubisoft did offer refunds to those who had recently purchased the game. Considering that the game is about 10 years old, though, that probably wasn’t offered to the majority of people that owned it. Especially since, as noted above, they didn’t really notify anyone that they were doing any of this ahead of time. Ah, but such is business when you’re a AAAA developer, I suppose.

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Also worth noting that this is the same Ubisoft whose director of subscriptions, M. Philippe Tremblay, has stated that gamers should get more comfortable with not owning their games. Well, I suppose that having an entire game removed from your library (functional or not), might just be the epitome of not owning your games.

Source: Engadget

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