10 Ultimate Gamer Setups

Opening up Instagram and searching for gaming setups is a pretty surreal experience. Everything featured feels like something out of a model home display with people showing of gaming setups that look like they never get any use and are too clean to belong to actual gamers.

But what about the other side of the coin? What about those gaming setups that belong to people with little or no sense/care for aesthetics. Heck, what about the rigs of that race of neckbeards that never learned to clean up after themselves without moms help?

So, let’s celebrate those ultimate gaming setups that will make you want to clean up your room before you even finish getting through this list, and even a few that might actually be kind of impressive.

Comes With A Lovely View

Before we had G-Fuel we had Marlboro Red’s to keep us going during our gaming sessions

Reddit User: u/[deleted]

Got The Basics Covered

The wallpaper really ties the serial killer dungeon together!

Reddit User: u/Spinout26

Amazing Room Acoustics

It’s the RGB light strips on the floor for me, dawg.

Reddit User: u/A_Guy465

This Kitchen Brought To You By Nvidia

Warm White Claws are the ultimate fuel for those late night gaming sessions.

Reddit User: u/mccoy035

Typical PlayStation User

When you have enough money for multiple high-end game systems but not enough for a broom and pan from the local Dollar Tree.

Reddit User: u/i3asm

Mobile Gaming Is Real Gaming

Designing your battlestation after that creepy robot eyeball monster from Johnny Quest is a bold move.

Reddit User: u/RPGTurtle69

Typical Smash Player

Whenever someone talks to us about playing Smash Bros. professionally this is the photo that always comes to mind.

Reddit User: u/Speech-Over

Your Dad’s Old Gaming Setup

When your dad talks about “the good-old-days” of PC gaming this is what he is picturing

Japanese Influenced Setup

“Pizza box desk. Guy said he didn’t want “western furniture” and made a “traditional Japanese apartment””

Get On The Battle Bus

When you take the idea of a battle bus way too seriously

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