5 Years After It Was Shut Down, Gigantic Makes Return For Special Event


Could mean big things.

Chances are pretty good you don’t remember Gigantic. The game fused a Third-person Shooter with a Moba, and featured game-changing giants that you fought to get into motion before your opponents got theirs running. The game was fun, but unfortunately suffered many delays and launched after Overwatch, which completely overshadowed it (and at this point, I’d definitely say unfairly).

The game’s original publisher, Perfect World Entertainment, shut things down in 2018, along with closing the doors of developer Motiga months prior. A few years later (2021, specifically), Perfect World was bought by Embracer Group, and the year after that was rebranded as Gearbox Publishing (because Embracer also owns Gearbox, and why waste the branding?), leading to today.

Gearbox Publishingsent an email on Tuesday to former players of Gigantic, inviting them to come back and play the game for a special throwback event. This one-time return for the game takes place on October 5th and 6th. There is one big catch, though; the event is invite only, and all players have to sign an NDA stipulating that they share no media or information from the event.

The flip side of this, however, is that the event promises to not just be a return to what the game was before it shut down. It will also feature some new things; namely a new, fast-paced Rush mode, revamped tutorials, new progression and customization features, and a Fortune Card system. In other words, this might not be just a one time thing, but a test run for bringing the game back in full as a Free-to-Play game.

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If one were to make a bet, that’s the reason for the NDA; they don’t want anyone to spill the beans, especially as some of these features may not yet be set in stone. It’s probably the right time for a revival, though, as the landscape isn’t quite so crowded now as it was back in 2018.

Source: GameRant

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