Rick and Morty have an Alien: Covenant Promo

Rick and Morty Alien: Covenant

A little while back, Rick and Morty dropped a promo for Alien: Covenant. Which isn’t terribly unusual for the series. Szechuan sauce aside, they also did an advertisement for Carl’s Jr. The beginning of the ad, however, is.

It starts with Rick and Morty flying through space, with Rick deciding to ignore a distress beacon. Which is odd for him, since 9 out of 10 times it’s a ship full of dead aliens and a bunch of free shit. But Morty persuades him to go check it out. It quickly goes bad when Rick gets a face full of alien wing wong. Lucky for him, he’s capable of giving anything that touches him (or forcibly tries to rape his throat) a contact high.

You can see the clip below. Alien: Covenant will be in theaters May 19th.

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