3 Ways in Which Developers Ensure We Play Their Game

We are in full swing of the gaming revolution and the market has become filled with so many different kinds of games, themes and styles of gameplay that it can often be difficult to know which ones we might want to play. So how do games developers ensure that we play their games? Whether it is through clever marketing tactics, ensuring the games have the latest technology, or that the games are fitting to the popular genres – games developers have made an art out of making us play their creations.

Savvy Marketing

Games developers are savvy and sometimes to stand out in the market to allow potential players to discover which games they might enjoy playing, they revert to simple marketing tricks. As the casino promotions at MagicalVegas.com show, offering welcome bonuses can be an effective strategy and getting players onto the site. Once there, they will be able to decide whether they wish to stay, but just cutting through the noise is enough. Pokemon creators ensure that with each generation there are special limited-edition Pokemon to collect and host launches for the games that feature a downloadable special, which helps gain a buzz for the game launch itself. As for Fifa, it utilizes the holidays by hosting the FUTMas sale, which promises special offers and limited edition releases spanning a period over Christmas.   

Latest Tech

Another way in which games developers ensure that their games are played above all others is by building the playable factor into their games from the start. By promising players the latest technology and building suitable hype for this technology, players are more likely to adopt the game to experience the newest tech. Pokemon Go saw this with the AR technology, which meant that Niantic could put more money into Harry Potter: Wizards Unite as they know that they will return that revenue. The development of sensory motion detection games also helped Temple Run be downloaded so much when it was launched as it brought a feature to players they weren’t as familiar with. The best example is the Nintendo Wii, whose innovative joystick ensured that sales were initially greater than the number of consoles being made.

Popular Genres

Anticipating which genres may be popular can be difficult and the time taken to build the games could result in them being released after the phase has passed. But many games developers have made sure that they hit the genres that are being played at the right time. Battle Royale games such as Fortnite and Dota 2 have burst onto screens, with iOS and Android alternatives hot on their heels. Casual gaming has also seen a rise in popularity with the well-known games like Candy Crush being overshadowed by the newest editions such as Hole.io, Paint Hit, and Terrainium. The more popular a genre, the wider the audience for this genre, meaning there are more people likely to play the game that is being brought out.

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Games developers utilize all the tricks up their sleeves in order to make sure that we are playing their games and ignoring their competitors. Whether these tricks are deployed at the development phase, at the creation of the game, or once the game has been released, it’s no surprise which games do well each year.

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