$270 Final Fantasy 15 Ultimate Collector’s Edition Doesn’t Include Season Pass Because Fuck You, That’s Why

$270 is a lot of money to most people. Hell, for that price I can buy a current gen console in some places! But Final Fantasy fans will buy anything and Square Enix seems to understand this as fans scooped up the Ultimate Collector’s Edition when it became available. Fans loved throwing money away so much that the bundle actually sold out worldwide.

But fear not loyal Final Fantasy fans, as Square Enix is here to help! And by help, I mean completely screw over those hardcore fans that paid money for the most expensive bundle of Final Fantasy 15. Knowing fans already paid and the bundle is sold out, Square announced, during a Gamescom Q&A that the $270 Ultimate Collector’s Edition would not, I repeat, WOULD NOT include the season pass for the game.

That’s right, kids! If you shelled out $270 for the Ultimate Collector’s Edition you are going to have to pay more money to get the season pass for the game! I suppose the thought is that since you already gave them your money, you’d be happy giving them some more of it. Funny enough, the $85 Digital Premium Edition does come with the season pass included. Maybe it’s just me, but if I buy the most expensive bundle of anything, I sort of expect to get everything included in the cheaper bundles.

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But I’m sure fans will gladly hand over more money to a company that clearly is spitting into your open mouth because Final Fantasy fanboys/girls are the worst. This is what we all get when we don’t call publishers out on their bullshit and continue pre-ordering crap. Hell, there’s also a Battlefield 1 bundle that doesn’t even come with the damn game! It’s about time gamers took a step back and really think about things.

Final Fantasy 15 hits shelves on November 29 after being pushed back to know doubt figure out how to suck more money out of its loyal fans.

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