2019’s First Dumbass Challenge: The Bird Box Challenge

Bird Box

A.K.A. Rutger Hauer’s Blind Fury driving challenge.

Well, we didn’t even make it half a month before some idiot invented a new “challenge” for dumbass teens. And this one is inspired by the Netflix film Bird Box.

For those not familiar with Bird Box, the film is about monsters that can only get you when you see them. Or something like that, I haven’t seen the movie. The point is, Sandra Bullock uses a blindfold to avoid seeing the creature. And you can probably put 2 and 2 together from there.

According to the police of Layton City, Utah, a 17-year-old girl decided to take the challenge. With a 16-year-old passenger, she pulled her beanie over her eyes as a blindfold while driving on Layton Parkway. Naturally, it ddn’t take long for her to drift into oncoming traffic and collide with another car. As nasty as the wreck was, luckily, no one was injured. But you might guess that the teen is likely getting charged with reckless driving.

Bird Box
Layton City Police Department

The challenge wasn’t quite to this point when Netflix warned users not to engage in it over Twitter.

But hey, what power does Netflix have? At least, what power do they have in the face of supergenius Jake Paul being fucking stupid on YouTube?

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Source: Gizmodo

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