Telltale Takes On Batman In 2016
I will be the first to admit that I love Telltale and what they have done for the point-and-click adventure genre over the past several years. From the amazing Tales….
I will be the first to admit that I love Telltale and what they have done for the point-and-click adventure genre over the past several years. From the amazing Tales….
The Video Game Awards is a show that only serves to makes gamers look like idiots and to premier game trailers on television, so, you know, it would be a….
Power up your holiday shopping with the coolest fashion from the Mushroom Kingdom! In celebration of the 30th anniversary of Super Mario Bros., Nintendo is announcing a new collaboration with Italian fashion brand Moschino….
Look, I’m not going to sugarcoat things and say that the Puppet Master films were scary, or hell, that they were even that good, but the do have a special….
“The past is already written. The ink is dry.” The teaser for season six of Game of Thrones is here, and it forces us to relive some of the most….
Fans of RPGs and all things sci-fi are in for an early holiday treat when Xenoblade Chronicles X launches exclusively for the Wii U console on Dec. 4. The enormous game finds players exploring….
This episode of The Flash and tomorrow’s episode of Arrow are being used to set up Legends of Tomorrow. Which is fine; it already seems to be shaping up to….
Catch the brand spanking new trailer for Batman v Superman that gives us the best look at the dynamic between our two heroes. We also see Wonder Woman save Batman’s….
It’s amazing that Scream Queens ended up being pretty good this week, because man was the intro to “Black Friday” annoying as hell. I don’t even have any trenchant criticism to go along with….
Point Break the movie –not the “so bad it’s good” original– is a thing that is happening, well, because. Yeah, I honestly can’t fathom how this project got approved, but….
Goddamn, what a fantastic episode of Jessica Jones. “AKA Sin Bin” built upon the momentum established with “AKA WWJD?” and capitalized on it, delivering a truly haunting episode that ratcheted up the….
Supergirl has been struggling for the past few episodes. Viewership has been dropping. But I think it will manage to stick around. Some shows just start slow. People weren’t receptive….