Attack on Titan: Part 2
Attack on Titan colon The Manga colon The Anime colon The (Live Action) Movie colon Part 2 colon The Legend of Zoë’s Gold colon Electric Boogaloo a.k.a 2Attack 2Titan was….
Attack on Titan colon The Manga colon The Anime colon The (Live Action) Movie colon Part 2 colon The Legend of Zoë’s Gold colon Electric Boogaloo a.k.a 2Attack 2Titan was….
Keeping with the dark and gritty nature of the street level hero, Jessica Jones keeps in line with the wildly successful Daredevil series. While in the same universe as the….
Fans of Fallout are going to be excited about this one. The massive video game series is getting its own official in Fallout Beer. Sure, it’s not Nuka Cola (let’s….
I have to start off by apologizing for last week. Instead of John Boyega, I put David Oyelowo who actually is on this show. I’m going to chalk the whole….
In the gaming event of the millennium, Coffee Stain Studios and Bossa Studios, creators of the two dumbest and best video games, Goat Simulator and I Am Bread, announced they….
Jimmy Kimmel was just getting going with his monologue when Marty McFly and Doc Brown popped in for a quick visit in their DeLorean time machine. The pair learned that….
So, one of the things I skipped talking about last week on The Flash was how Joe’s not in fact a widower. Important this week, because his ex wife really….
I tried my best to ignore all the Back To The Future stuff on the site today, but this one was a little too fun to pass up. Nintendo has….
We can’t go without posting something Back To The Future related today, the day that Marty McFly went into the future and now technically the past! Lot’s of games are….
(Author’s note: sorry I haven’t been reviewing this lately. Without cable, access to this show has been hard to get, doubly so since FX doesn’t put it on Hulu. But….
I was just moving some stuff around, getting my new at home work area reorganized when I came across something that I found a little funny. For whatever reason, whenever….
You know what Scream Queens is pretty good at? Comedy. You know what it’s so-so at? Horror. Maybe that’s why “Seven Minutes in Hell” was so much more successful than the Chanel-o-ween….