Better Call Saul: “Nacho”
Me and Margaux, blah blah blah, Better Call Saul. Trevor: How intriguing was that first scene? A mulleted Jimmy McGill in jail for some unspecified reason – well, he said….
Me and Margaux, blah blah blah, Better Call Saul. Trevor: How intriguing was that first scene? A mulleted Jimmy McGill in jail for some unspecified reason – well, he said….
Only three weeks remain until the launch of POWERS! The PlayStation Original series—adapted from the gritty graphic novel universe created by Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming, and produced by….
Cornfox & Brothers, a Finnish developer, today announced the official Steam release date for ‘Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas’. The game is currently available for mobile in the iTunes App….
If only the enthusiastic raves from movie critics were enough, there would be no need for the industry to hand out awards to itself. Obviously it’s not and the entire….
Margaux and I take a look at this week’s mildly disappointing, yet still intriguing, installment of The Walking Dead. Beware of stylish flannel. Trevor: Someone’s gotta send a memo to….
We’ve been very impatient for the new season of RuPaul’s Drag Race to start, a wait that has been all the worse without knowledge of the release date. Logo has….
DOOM is a classic FPS that helped spawn a craze that continues today with games like Call of Duty. But just how does one bring the Doom series into the….
Final Fantasy fans take note! We have a ton of newly released screenshots from the upcoming Final Fantasy XV. Also, if you missed the trailer with English voice-overs from Tokyo….
If you are looking for a entry level laptop to get your work done on the go, then the The X205 will meet your mobility needs with it’s sleek and….
I’m going to be blunt and admit that I expected nothing from Fifty Shades of Grey (a shock, I know). That just so happens to be exactly what I got. Granted,….
Steam always knows how to put together a sale, and today is no exception. In honor of Valentine’s Day the online game service is offering a tons of co-op games….
I’m torn. On the one hand, I’d really love to see Matthew Vaughn take the reins of a James Bond film. On the other, he’s so much more well suited….